Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Essay (1st draft)

A hidden truth? The positive impact of gaming on behaviour

This critical investigation will focus on the positive impacts of video games and whether or not they enforce vital life skills in a view to alter the stereotype towards them. Its purpose will be to investigate whether the effects of games like ‘Little Big Planet’ and ‘Tetris’ are being overshadowed by the negative representation and impacts of video games portrayed by the media in both present and past times. Traditionally parents tend to stereotype video games without knowing the true benefits of them as a result, this investigation will hope to unravel the hidden truth of gaming so that audiences can reap the numerous benefits of them as they are known to ‘change your brain’[1].

[1]Tumbokon, Chacha. "The Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games." Smart Kids Parenting | Raise Smart Kid.N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2012. <>.

The typical reaction to video games would be of a negative one due to recent and past allegations of inspiring real life massacres and acts of violence[2]. These allegations have created a moral panic among audiences and their concern may be justified as there is evidence to support ‘a consistent correlation between playing violent video games and aggressive behaviours’ in reality [3]. One of the most recent examples of this would be the Connecticut school massacre in which it is said that gunman Adam Lanza spent hours playing violent video games such as Call of Duty [4].  This has led to criticism of violent video games, as the National Rifle Association blamed the entertainment industry ‘specifically the producers of violent video games for inciting what has become a pattern of gun violence in the United States’ [5]. These types of tragic events have occurred over the years, other examples of video games inspiring real life acts of violence would include a Thai student who murdered a taxi driver while trying to recreate a scene from the Grand Theft Auto [6] as well as, Tristan van der Vlis who killed 6 people in the tragedy known as the Alphen aan den Rijn shopping mall shooting  was inspired by a game called Airport Massacre, in which the player can choose (or not choose) to participate in the killing of a large group of innocent people inside an airport terminal [7]. In modern video games it is violence that is rewarded, in games such as Call of Duty and Battlefield the sole objective is to kill, the more you kill the better. Exposure to such violence may activate the network of associated angry thoughts and emotions and potentially result in increased likelihood of aggressive behaviour in real-life situations [8] this is due to desensitisation as audiences have become numb to violence and may accept it as a way of culture.
There is also the stereotypical argument which is most commonly used by parents that playing video games makes you perform worse in education and there could be some truth behind that saying as excessive gaming creates attention deficits, which in turn can lead to poorer school performance [9]. It is also believed that video game addicts argue a lot with their teachers, fight a lot with their friends, and score lower grades than others who play video games less often, which is supported by a study conducted by the Minneapolis-based National Institute for Media and the Family [10]. Not just violent video games but any ordinary video games have been recognised to have a negative impact on users.  One of the negatives from any video game would be, those who spend more time playing video games subsequently have more attention problems [11] as well as games can confuse reality and fantasy [12].

[2]Baras, Ronita. "Video Games Violence (2): Video-game-inspired real violence | Family Matters."Family Matters | Practical Parenting Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2011. <>.
[3]"Impacts of Video Games." HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT | PARLIAMENTARY OFFICE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY . N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2012.>.
[4] Henderson, Barney . "Connecticut school massacre: Adam Lanza 'spent hours playing Call Of Duty’ - Telegraph." - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2012. <>.
[5] Guarino, Mark . "Video games and shooting: Is the NRA right? -" The Christian Science Monitor - N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Dec. 2012. <>.
[6]"Grand Theft Auto pulled from sale after Bangkok teen murders taxi driver 'to see if it was as easy as in the game' | Mail Online." Home | Mail Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Aug. 2008. <>.
[7]  Ronit. "Video Games Violence (2): Video-game-inspired real violence | Family Matters." Family Matters | Practical Parenting Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2011. <>.
[8]Vorderer, Peter, and Jennings Bryant.Playing video games: motives, responses, and consequences. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. Print.
[9]Anderson , Craig A , and Wayne A Warburton. "The impact of violent video games: An overview." Chapter in W. Warburton & D. Braunstein (Eds.) Growing Up Fast and Furious: Reviewing the Impacts of Violent and Sexualised Media on Children, (pp. 56-84). Annandale, NSW, Australia: The Federation Press.. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2012. <>.
[10] Tumbokon, Chacha. "The Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games." Smart Kids Parenting | Raise Smart Kid. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2012. <>.
[11] Attention Problems, and Impulsiveness: Evidence of Bidirectional Causality." AQA. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, Vol 1(1), n.d. Jan. 2012. <>.
[12] Barbie. "Effects of Computer Games on Children »" » Ultimate source for all things sexy and cool. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 July 2012. <>.

Games can be good, not just for an individual but on a wider scale to. Gaming is beneficial for the family as supported by Patricia Vance, president of The Entertainment Software Rating Board [13]. It is also beneficial for society as violent people are attracted to violent games [14] and the time they spend on gaming cannot be spent on other activities, both legitimate or violent which could result in a decrease in crime [15]. Research by the University of Texas found that for every 10% increase in the number of violent games sold, the crime rate dropped by 1% [16].
There are many skills that are required whilst playing a video game, these include logic, memory, visualisation and problem solving [17], these are just some of the many required. Videogames have the potential to enhance team work skills as users can interact and work together with one another online as a result many people have gained key skills an example of this would be Washburn student Adam Bideau who said “It taught me to work in a group” [18].It is also a known a fact that playing video games ‘increases reaction times, improves hand-eye co-ordination and raises players self-esteem’ [19].  Gaming improves basic math and reading skills as children learn to interact with the score counters on videogames as well as reading instructions involved in video games e.g. play, quit, etc [20]. According to a study, ‘people who played action-based video games made decisions 25 %faster than others without sacrificing accuracy’[21]. Researchers of University of Rochester learned that game players are capable of paying ‘attention to more than six things at once without getting confused’ in comparison to non-gamers who were capable of only four[22].This is reinforced by C. Shawn Green saying "Games teach your brain to focus on the important things and filter out distractions" [23]. psychologist Daphne Maurer, director of the Visual Development Lab at McMaster University in Ontario, showed that playing video games could improve the eyesight of those who are born with cataracts [24].James Gee, a professor of learning sciences at the University of Wisconsin, stated “We had a hard time finding kids who were bad at school but good at games,”[25] this goes against the stereotype of video games having a negative impact on the education of children. Both directly and indirectly video games can enhance the social relationship of youngsters [26], the ability of using the online feature to play with your friends is the direct way video games have done this and the indirect way would be that the following day or sometime soon after users discuss events that occurred whilst they was playing video games. Playing video games is seen to improve visual-spatial ability which is the ability to mentally manipulate two- and three dimensional objects [27].Hence it is clear that there is a causal relationship between video game playing and enhanced visual attention skills [28].Video games have taken aboard Blumler and Katz theory of uses and gratifications by providing escapism for the user, this is supported by Professor Talmadge Wright of Loyola University who had this to say "It gives people an option of actively participating in some kind of fantasy role they could not do in real life that allows them to play with their own feelings"[29].
It is a common misconception that violent video games have no benefits for the user, this is incorrect as violent video games do possess benefits for the audience. ‘Some gamers say playing violent games can relieve stress and frustrations’ [30]. An unexpected effect of playing violent video games is that they can give people a better tolerance for pain which is backed by the research conducted at Keele University [31].

 [13]Steinberg, Scott . "Why Video Games Are Good For You." The Modern Parent's GUIDE. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <>.
[14] Cunningham, A. Scott, and Benjamin Engelstätter. Understanding the effects of violent video games on violent crime. Mannheim: ZEW, 2011. Print.
[15] "Violent video games 'reduce crime' - Telegraph." - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. <>.
[16] DuBois, Maurice. "New Study Suggests The More Young People Play Video Games The Less Likely They Are To Commit Crimes « CBS New York." CBS New York. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2011. <>.
[17] Amory, Alan , Kevin Naicker , Jacky Vincent , and Claudia Adams. "The use of computer games as an educational tool: identification of appropriate game types and game elements." British Journal of Educational Technology. N.p., n.d. Oct. 1999. <>.
[18]Steinberg, Scott . "Why Video Games Are Good For You." The Modern Parent's GUIDE. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <>.
[19] Pearson, Elaine, and Chris Bailey. "Evaluating the potential of the Nintendo Wii to support disabled students in education." Providing choices for learners and learning. Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2007. <>
[20] Griffiths, Mark. "The educational benefits of videogames. | SHEU." SHEU | the Schools and Students Health Education Unit. Schools Health Education Unit, 2002. <>.
[21] Rasmussen, Rune H.. "The benefits of video games." kidsandmedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. <>.
[22] Rasmussen, Rune H.. "The benefits of video games." kidsandmedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. <>.
[23] "Unlocked: Real-Life Benefits Of Video Games |Men's Health Singapore." Your Most Useful Online Men's Magazine |Men's Health Singapore. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2012. <>.
[24] Reilly, Luke. "5 Reasons Video Games Are Actually Good for You - IGN." Video Games, Wikis, Cheats, Walkthroughs, Reviews, News & Videos - IGN. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2012. <>.
[25] Johnson, Steven. "Your Brain on Video Games." Discover Magazine: The latest in science and technology news, blogs and articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2005. <>.
[26] Gunter, Barrie. The effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998. Print.
[27] Griffiths, Mark. "The educational benefits of videogames. | SHEU." SHEU | the Schools and Students Health Education Unit. Schools Health Education Unit, 2002. <>.
[28] Murphy, Karen, and Amy Spencer. "Playing video games does not make for better visual attention skills." Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis: 2009, Vol.6 Issue 1, p1. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Jan. 2009. <>.
[29] Ward, Mark. "BBC NEWS | Technology | Gaming 'is good for you'." BBC News - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2003. <>.
[30]"Impacts of Video Games." HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT | PARLIAMENTARY OFFICE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY . N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2012.>.
[31] "2012 - Keele University." Keele University. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Sept. 2012. <>.

Some would argue that video games have provided benefits for users for a long time now, through games such as Tetris which was created back in 1984. Playing Tetris requires the audience to use various skills, this is supported by Dr Richard Haier who said “(Tetris) requires many cognitive processes like attention, hand-eye co-ordination, memory and visual spatial problem solving all working together quickly” [32]. It is said the more you play Tetris, the more efficient your brain becomes as well as improving your hand eye co-ordination [33],and this simple game of rotating blocks to fit into a grid may even make you smarter [34]. There are also further benefits for consumers revealed in a study conducted by the Mind Research Network which shows that playing Tetris can improve critical thinking, planning skills, reasoning, and even language [35]. Some would say these skills are provided from various other games, however Tetris is unique as it goes beyond the benefits of an ordinary game.  Oxford Oxford University scientists found that playing Tetris shortly after a traumatic event may help prevent bad memories and reduce distressing flashbacks which was unique as when another computer game was tested, it made people’s flashbacks worse [36].  There is evidence to support that the simple game of Tetris which many users play for fun and entertainment may actually help people mentally and reduce stress, this is supported by Dr Emily Holmes of the Department of Psychiatry at Oxford University who saidThis is only a first step in showing that this might be a viable approach to preventing post-traumatic stress disorder” [37].

[32]"Study: Tetris Is Good for Your Brain | Fox News." Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2008. <>.
[33]"Play Tetris to Achieve Your Dreams | Exile Lifestyle." Entrepreneurship and World Travel with Colin Wright | Exile Lifestyle. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 June 2009. <>.
[34]Vanderkam, Laura. "News Blog: How Tetris makes you smarter." Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2008. <>.
[35]Toor, Amar. "Scientists: 'Tetris' Makes You Smarter." Tech and Internet Industry News - HuffPost Tech. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2009. <>.
[36]Song, Sora. "Study: Playing Tetris to Prevent PTSD Flashbacks |"Health & Family | A healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit | N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2010. <>.
[37]Alleyne, Richard, and Science Correspondent. " Playing the video game 'Tetris' could reduce trauma, claim Oxford University - Telegraph." - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2009. <­­­­­o-game-Tetris-could-reduce-trauma-claim-Oxford-University.html>.

The gaming industry has changed significantly over the years, benefiting from the improvement in technology. The development of new consoles such as the Ps3, by Sony, has provided a platform for video game creators to take gaming to a whole new level. Modern day games such as Little Big Planet, created by Media Molecule, has given the power to consumers like never before which is supported by David Buckingham, Professor of Media and Communications at Loughborough University who had this to say, ‘In the age of Media 2.0, ordinary people are no longer mere consumers of media, but also producers’[38]. A game like Little Big Planet lets the user become a producer in various ways, from designing your own sack boy to creating your own levels, these features are specific to Little Big Planet however, every modern game lets consumers become producers through YouTube. YouTube is a video sharing website which is commonly used by gamers to upload user generated content of them playing a specific game in the form of a video. One would think giving the chance for consumers to become producers would increase the popularity and sales of games however the gaming industry has suffered a decline recently, ‘in 2011 retail sales of video games fell by 8% which was followed by a further 20% in 2012’ [39] . Although in recent times there has been a large decline in sales of video which may have been due to the struggling economy [40] it is predicted that in the coming years the gaming industry will grow to a staggering $82 billion by 2017 [41] which could provide a huge boost to our current economical state but how beneficial will this growth be for a consumer?

[38]Buckingham, David . "In the Age of Media Six Questions about Media and Participation." EMC English & Media Centre. MediaMagazine , n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2012. <>.
[39] Suellentrop, Chris, and Stephen Totilo. "Video Game Retail Sales Decline Despite New Hits -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia.N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2012. <>.
[40] Suellentrop, Chris, and Stephen Totilo. "Video Game Retail Sales Decline Despite New Hits -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia.N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2012. <>.
[41] Gaudiosi, John. "New Reports Forecast Global Video Game Industry Will Reach $82 Billion By 2017 - Forbes." Information for the World's Business Leaders -, n.d. Web. 18 July 2012. <>

In conclusion, I believe video games have their pros and cons but it depends on various factors to what they provide to users.  Excessive gaming can impact the user in a lot more negative ways and limiting your gaming hours to a bare minimum would mean the user misses out on a chance to develop key life skills which video games can provide. The key is to find the right balance, in doing so the user can be affected by the positives and not have to endure the negatives that gaming could bring. Another key factor is the type of game the user plays, as violent games may bring damaging effects on the user whereas, a game like Tetris would test the brain and could potentially make you smarter. I believe the ‘responsibility ultimately falls on the parents to be aware and control the content and material their kids are taking’ in which is supported by Cameron Koch who has previously written video game reviews for the Herald [42].  The Byron Review supports this, this is a UK government commissioned review, led by Psychologist Dr Tanya Byron, of the risks to children from the internet and video games [43]. Along with the review there were also recommendations released and one of these was improving the information and advice for parents and gamers about parental controls and age classification systems [44]. Fulfilling this need to educate parents about their responsibility to monitor game play will allow users to maximise the benefits that are provided by video games and minimise the negatives that they bring which could result in a much smarter and non-violent society. As Douglas Gentile, psychologist at Iowa State University says “Games are not good or bad, but are powerful educational tools” [45].
[42]Koch, Cameron. "Cameron Koch: Video games not to blame for real violence - College Heights Herald: Opinion." College Heights Herald: Western Kentucky University. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2012. <>.
[43]Byron, Tanya . "BBC NEWS | Technology | At a glance: The Byron Review." BBC News - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2008. <>.
[44]"Impacts of Video Games." HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT | PARLIAMENTARY OFFICE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY . N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2012.>.
[45]Ostrovsky, Gene. "Studies Show Benefits of Video Game Playing." medGadget. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Aug. 2008. <>.